What is this, an excursion from excursions? I finally got around to tapping the bottle of ink I got as a late X-mosh gift from my folks. Having never really worked much with brushes, I kind of just fumbled around, trying out techniques I'd read about, or seen Bob Ross shred. It was pretty fun, and definitely more abstract/automatic than I usually go about things. Eventually I decided to embellish some of the more anthropomorphic shapes I spotted and this was the result. The last (janky camera-phone) picture is better-lit to give you an idea of just how much crud I heaped on, and to remind me to tape down the next one.
I might try to get some better quality shots up soon.
The face on the right is FUCKING INTENSE.
That last photo is brighter, but there is also a shit-load of glare on it. Although not as high contrast as the bottom, I think the middle is better.
I've always been a fan of inky-splat stuff, and this perpetuants my fan-dom. Keep drawrink.
....Sam Keith....(for the hell of it.)
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